Jacob’s Well

At Tamassee, hope shines bright for young mothers as they find healing, solace and strength to overcome substance abuse, and where little ones receive the warmth of love and the promise of a brighter future. Just like the story of Jesus meeting and offering living water to the Samaritan woman—we are offering the opportunity for vulnerable mothers with children that feel trapped by shame, substance abuse and trauma an opportunity to change their stars.

Starlight at Tamassee is a faith-infused, Family-centered, therapeutic community with holistic , evidence-based, trauma informed services offering counseling, recovery, parenting and life skills, education and career development.

The Well Campaign is Tamassee’s fundraising initiative to support the launch and growth of the Starlight program.  Our next capital need of the campaign is to renovate six bathrooms in Joy Cottage.  This renovation will transform Joy Cottage and its six private bedrooms into our transitional living cottage for mothers and their children.  The estimated cost for these needed renovations is $72,000 or $12,000 per bathroom.

Will you meet us at The Well by supporting these needed renovations? Gifts of all sizes are welcome, however, for those that wish to fully fund one of the six bathrooms, then they will be recognized by a special naming placard located in or near one of the renovated bathrooms.

Interested in helping us sustain Starlight and serve more mothers with children?  Then become a Living Water Donor.  Your unrestricted gift to Tamassee will make all the difference.