Navigators Afterschool Program
Tamassee’s Afterschool Program serves K–5th grade students from 3 to 6 PM on school days and from 7:30 AM to 6PM during school closures and holidays. Afterschool focuses on four components.
What We Do
Staff teachers and volunteer tutors help your child excel in their homework, plus offer extra support for areas of need. We use fun, evidence-based curriculum to ensure every student achieves grade level in reading and math.
Your child will grow in the values of good citizenship through individual achievements and team competition. Our team will guide and inspire all children to be proud young Americans and tomorrow’s leaders.
Your child will gain confidence through an array of enrichment activities—from arts and crafts to music, from STEM to health and wellness, from recreational sports to outdoor explorations, and more.
Life is full of challenges. Our team uses trauma-informed principles and practices to care for students and enhance their coping and resiliency skills.
2023 – 2024 School Year Successes
• 92% of students improved in reading.
• 85% of students improved in math.
• 100% of students participated in STEM activities.
• 85% of students completed at least one citizenship project each quarter.
• 90% of students learned resiliency skills.
Tamassee’s Afterschool program served 70 students.

Tamassee DAR School’s Afterschool Program follows the School District of Oconee County’s calendar. For the 2024-2025 school year, the Afterschool Program begins Thursday, August 1, 2024. Our programs closes in observance of certain holidays.
Tamassee provides free transportation from the following schools to our campus:
• Tamassee Salem Elementary
• Keowee Elementary
• Walhalla Elementary
Tamassee DAR School charges the following fees.
• Afterschool: $220 a month for the first child; $200 for the second; $180 for each additional
• Full-Day: $33 (for school closures /holidays)
Need financial assistance? Ask about scholarships and payment plans.
Tamassee DAR School is an equality opportunity provider.
Need Additional Parenting Resources? Click Here!
Navigators BRIEF STEM Club

BRIEF Navigators STEM Club begins September 19th and will meet for the following dates.

Tamassee provides free transportation from the following schools to our campus:
- Tamassee Salem Elementary
- Keowee Elementary
- Walhalla Elementary
- Walhalla Middle School
Tamassee DAR School charges the following fees for Non Afterschool Participants. Fees due at time of enrollment.
- All Sessions (9/19-5/1/2025) $145
- Fall Semester (9/19-12/5/2024) $90
- Spring Semester (1/16-5/1/2025) $105
Click Here To Download Application
Need financial assistance? Ask about scholarships and payment plans.